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True Blue Core

What You’ll Learn

Student Learning Outcomes

Each of the True Blue Core Foundational Skills and Knowledge Domains is aligned with a student learning outcome to guarantee students the opportunity to master those skills as they complete their Core studies. The skills associated with each outcome have been identified by employers and faculty as crucial to student professional and academic success.  The True Blue Core also provides essential knowledge about the natural sciences, humanities/fine arts, and the social and behavioral sciences that every university educated individual should have. For a downloadable file, click on this link: TBC Rubrics or scroll down to find the chart that shows the category and outcome alignment and click on the name of the outcome.

TBC Category Name Outcome Aligned with the Category 
Foundational Skills 
Written Communication (WC)Written Communication

Students communicate effectively through writing in terms of context and purpose, content development, genre and disciplinary conventions, sources and evidence, and syntax and mechanics.  
Information Literacy (Info Lit)Information Literacy

Students demonstrate competence in information literacy by determining what information they need, where to access it, how to evaluate information they encounter, and how to use information effectively and ethically. 
Non-written Communication (NWC)Non-written Communication

Students communicate effectively through oral, embodied, or other mediated formats, considering organization, language (or other forms of expression), delivery, supporting material, a cogent central message, and audience. 
Quantitative Literacy (Quant Lit)Quantitative Literacy

Students demonstrate the ability to interpret, represent, calculate, apply, and analyze numerical data in a variety of settings, and will make assumptions and communicate those assumptions based on quantitative information. 
Knowledge Domains 
Human Society & Social Relationships (HSSR)Discovery in Social &  Behavioral Sciences Explorations in Human Society & Social Relationships Critical Thinking

Students think critically by explaining issues/problems, selecting and using evidence, considering context and assumptions, and representing their position and conclusions logically and effectively. 
Scientific Literacy (Sci Lit)Discovery in Natural Sciences ·Explorations in Scientific Literacy Inquiry & Analysis

Students systematically explore issues, problems, objects, and works through the collection and analysis of evidence, identification of informed conclusions, and analysis of complex topics by breaking them down. 
Creativity & Cultural Expression (CCE)Discovery in Fine Arts & Humanities Explorations in Creativity and Cultural Expression Intercultural Understanding

Students demonstrate intercultural understanding by building knowledge, self-awareness, and conceptions of global and intercultural perspectives, values, systems, and attitudes. 
History & Civic Learning (HCL)Discovery in History Explorations in History & Civic Learning Civic Learning

Students demonstrate civic learning by using knowledge, information, and understanding to comprehend civic identity and civic obligations in local and global contexts. 

Follow Us!

Director of the True Blue Core
Susan Myers-Shirk, Ph.D.
Professor of History

Assistant Director
Dr. Christina Cobb
Associate Professor, University Studies

Administrative Coordinator
Abby Arnold

Graduate Assistant
Molly Walters

Contact Information

Institutional Memberships

  • Association of American Colleges & Universities (AAC&U)
  • Association for General & Liberal Studies (AGLS)